Saturday, May 17, 2008

Hello Weekends ~!!!!

It's a long weekend again....I can't wait to sleep. I have never wished spending my weekends sleeping throughout my life. Suddenly it occurred to me - Omg! I'm really in need of a BEAUTY SLEEP. :P

And that's exactly what I had a nap from 5pm-9pm after work yesterday continued with a marathon from 3am - 12pm. Reeling in the refreshing effects of the sleep I went out to Batu Feringgi with Sam, Ling and Ricardo looking for monkeys. You didn't get me wrong, its MONKEYS!!! Sam somehow managed to hatch the idea of having monkeys as his newest addition of 'God children'..Actually I wished i could too. My Mission Impossible - to convince my dad to allow me to keep a monkey as pet. The name tells it all. My efforts will most probably be futile. So I continued my sleep journey again, from 5pm - 9.30pm...counting my lucky stars that a miracle will happen. My Mission Possible - recover from the dark circles plaguing me recently.

My darling will be coming back next Saturday and to work in Penang..Hurray.... I was hoping to spending time with my partner. I sure do hope that we can spend a lot of time later for just the two of us. I miss him a lot for the past few days although I did not tell him " I miss U " in phone...

I feel so refreshed and energetic now...wanna continue my HongKong Series lor.......


bibi said...

why never tell me har? >_<

Princess Maria~~ said...

Because I am shy to tell u lor....