Thursday, July 31, 2008

Pinky Rossie


Today I received a rose from Faisal, so lovely.....Thanks :)
He told me he bought the flower for me but i don't believe, because he is a smart liar...he always lie to me...from the 1st day I joined iDEN EE Motorola until today...I guess he just simply took the flower from a shop which just had a grand opening at 1st floor in Cyberplex today, because i saw got a lot of flowers in front of that shop.
Anyway, he is a smart and cool guy, i learn a lot of "new vocabulary" from him and Sam....they recomended me , a very cool me, u really can gain extra knowledge.

Hmm....thanks for the lovely rose to brighten up my day :)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Simple Dinner..........

It's weekend again, we are lazy to go outside for dinner because Saturday most probably will have traffic jam, also, thanks to our beloved government, the fuel price had increased 40% !!!!!!! Thus, we have decided to cook for our dinner.

From Chef Maria,

Curry chicken

Taufu with seafood(this one very yummy :P)

From Chef Irwin,

Vege with pure sesame oil and garlic(this one was the best dish from Chef Irwin, delicious!!)

Although only 3 simple dishes, but it's definitely healthier and cheaper compared to outside food....

Tomorrow Chef Irwin will cook chicken rice for me......I have confidence in him as his mum is very expert in cooking and his chicken rice recipe is from his mum...hahahahhahah!!!!

Under Renovation


My house is under renovation right now, very messy and very troublesome for kitchen, no toilet, we have to go downstairs to bathe, and the main thing is no washing machine for 1 month, i have to hand wash my clothes for this period..aiksss!!!!! Luckily my darling very sayang me, he helped me to wash my clothes when i was taking a nap this afternoon...Thanks dear..muacks.. !!!!kekekkekeke

My dad wanted to renovate the house not because my mum has been nagging for about 5 years that the kitchen and the back room area were extremely old and she felt so shy and embarassing when her friends or relatives visit us, it was because he wanted to have his own home theater!!!! For myself, I really don't know how to appreciate those high technology electronic devices...for example, i am fine with just a normal speaker, as long as it can produce sound, but my dad always scold me stupid. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!

Friday, July 11, 2008


今天在网上看到一篇蛮有意思又带点感动的 文章。。。。

我的 "婚姻存摺 "是出嫁那天 , 媽媽遞到 我 手上的.當時, 我以為會是一大筆錢,打開一看發現只有1000元.我用失望的眼神看著媽媽,媽媽卻笑著說 :"這是 我 特意為你們辦理的 '婚姻存摺 ',以後每逢值得紀念的日子,都可以存一筆錢,等到老的時候,裡面除了錢,還有無限的幸福…"時, 我對母親這份心思不以為然,倒是丈夫記在了心上.婚後沒多久 ,他就先後存了兩個500元 ,一個是因為他升職了,第二個是因為我 手術治愈出院.當時 我 嘴上笑他無聊 ,其實心裡甜蜜無比,畢竟他把 我 的健康也當作一件讓他感到幸福的事 沒過多久, 我懷孕了 ,這一次 ,我足足往裡面存了2000元.但很快 ,我們開始有了爭吵和冷漠﹔孩子出生帶來的快樂是短暫的 ,洗不完的尿布、喂不完的奶 ,進一步加劇了 我 們感情的惡化.而那本婚姻存摺像被遺忘了,寂寞地躺在抽屜角落,上面的數字久未見漲 我們鬧離婚的時候,媽媽說,你們先把存摺上面的錢花光了再離吧 ,雖然錢不多,但是你們共同的財產.於是, 我第一次取了1000元 ,然後拎著幾件心儀已久的衣服離開商場時 ,我又回去對售貨小姐說: " 對不起 ,我不買了,請你退回我 剛才付給你的錢."也許當時的局面窘迫極了,但我 腦海裡想到的是那1000元婚姻積蓄的來源 :他是個害羞的男人 ,但曾在街頭大聲地對 我說 "我愛你 ",我為此存下100元﹔他記得 我 的生日、鞋號、密碼及最怕的事 ,我為此在生日那天存下300元﹔他對女人有風度,也有距離 ,不給暗戀他的女下屬任何機會,我為此存下500元…啊 ,這 1000元裡就有這麼多的幸福積累,再看看婚姻存摺上的兩萬多元 ,我的眼睛忽然就有些濕潤起來.晚上回到家 ,我把存摺交給他說:"趕緊花吧,花光了好離婚 "第二天晚上,他把存摺遞到我 手上,我打開一看,發現反而多了1000元.他說 :"那上面的每一元錢都記錄著我 們走過的歷程,我第一次發覺原來是這樣的愛你 ,索性又存進了1000元.我們從此又和好如初了.還是媽媽說得對,以愛情的名義為婚姻開個戶口,把夫妻間所有快樂的、幸福的、浪漫的事 ,通通存進銀行.有了這本日積月累的婚姻存摺 ,即使是再貧窮的婚姻,也決不害怕透支。。。

朋友姐妹们。。马上行动吧。。。为自己和另一半設一個特別存摺 , 為彼此值得感到高興或幸福的事存下記憶哦!!!! :)