Thursday, November 8, 2007

Meibomian cyst (chalazion)

我的眼睛生了一粒小肉瘤,不痛也不痒, 三个礼拜了。。。。。。。 刚刚看了医生。。医生说,不用担心,这是很轻微的病,,没有生命危险,也不会影响eye sight......但是如果擦药不能好。。。就要动手术。。。虽然只是minor operation...我也怕怕!!! :(
总觉得那些怪怪的病很喜欢我。。。。bell's palsy 啦。。。allergic to cold environment...现在是Meibomian cyst。。。。好倒霉哦。。。。

What are meibomian cysts?
These are seen as swellings in either the upper or lower eyelids. They are caused by the blockage of a gland which produces an oily substance present in tears. It is a condition which can be treated by your general practitioner (GP).

Will they damage my eyesight?
Meibomian cysts are not harmful to the eye and will not cause any damage to your eyesight. However, swelling of the eyelid or watering can cause temporary blurring of vision.The eyelid can be very red, swollen and tender during the acute stage

How is it treated?
A meibomian cyst can be treated with antibiotic eye drops or ointment and steam treatment.You can apply steam to the eye by filling a thermos flask with boiling water and holding your eye about an inch over the opening. Make sure you keep your eye closed.Alternatively, pad the end of a wooden kitchen spoon with a cotton bandage. Dip the spoon into a bowl of steaming water and, keeping your eye closed, raise the padded end to your affected eye. Keep the spoon about an inch away from your eyelid. As the spoon cools, re-dip and repeat.Continue either form of steam treatment for ten - fifteen minutes, two to three times a day.

How long will it take to resolve?
It can take from one week, to three or four months to resolve. If the cyst has not resolved in this time you may choose to have a simple operation under a local anaesthetic. However, there is no urgent need to have the operation as most cysts eventually resolve spontaneously.

What happens during the operation?
You will be taken into the minor operating theatre in the outpatient department. There you will be asked to sign a consent form.
An anaesthetic eye drop will be put into your eye.
A small injection is then given under the skin next to the cyst, to anaesthetise the area. The feeling is similar to a dental injection.
The eyelid will be everted and a small incision is then made inside the eyelid so that no visible scar is seen. The contents of the cyst are removed.
A pad is placed over the eye. This should be left on for at least six hours.


Anonymous said...

i tot u went to kap zai mandi..... take care lor..

Anonymous said...

I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing